- Publisher: StepSister Press
- Editor: Therese Quinn & Sarita Hernández
- Edition: issue 1
- Available in: Paperback
- ISBN: 978-0980230062
- Published: September 5, 2016
Responding to the urgencies of the moment and recognizing the need to transform museums and our cultural work within their spaces, The Museum and Exhibition Studies (MUSE) Graduate Program at the University of Illinois at Chicago offers this new publication series. This volume explores the theme of inaugurations, or firsts and beginnings.
Museums, like all other social institutions, reflect the tensions and contradictions of their times. The Museum and Exhibition Studies (MUSE) Graduate Program at the University of Illinois at Chicago proposes that these museum problems are deeply seeded in the field and its professions. It’s likely that their remedies will require some equally deep—radical—change and reimagining. Responding to the urgencies of the moment and recognizing the need to transform museums and our cultural work within their spaces, MUSE offers this new journal. Fwd: Museums signals a desire to lift up and forward ideas that might push our collective thinking. This volume explores the theme of inaugurations, or firsts and beginnings, with over 20 contributions from scholars and creative practitioners.
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Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Welcome by Therese Quinn
- Introduction by Devin Malone
- Acknowledgements & Publication Team
- My Art Museum Mission by LaTanya S. Autry
- The Visitors of Color Project: Centering and Privileging People (in the Margins of Museums) by Porchia Moore and nikhil trivedi
- A Doodled Vision for a Latino Museum by Ranald Woodaman
- Querida Xicanita by Stephanie Hernández
- Exhibit Review — Stevie Hanley’s “Synaesthetica” by Evelyn Yeung
- The First Time I was Made into an Art Object by Melissa Romeo
- The Object Effect by Nora Sternfeld
- Her Room as an Exhibit by Elizabeth Anh Thomson
- Exhibit Review — Lonely Amid the Crowd: Laura Davis at Threewalls by Elizabeth Lalley
- My First Digital Exhibit: Mr. Boller’s Scrapbook by April Lynne Earle
- Face Value: Identity and Adaptation in Chicago’s Chinatown by Jacob Yeung
- The Virtual Museum of the Bulgarians in North America: Shared Heritage and Intercultural Communications by Dilyana Ivanova
- My First Scathing Letter to the Editor by Javairia Shahid
- Trauma Memory Healing: Exhibiting the August 7th 1998 Bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi by Dr. Kiprop Lagat
- Book Review — Artifacts and Allegiances: How Museums Put the Nation and the World on Display by Emese R. Toth
- Jotería Undocumented by Gabriela S. Hernandez Martinez
- It Would Be My Honor to Work for Free by Sarah Padilla
- Museums Respond to Black Lives Matter & Beyond: A 5 Part Retrospective by Monica O. Montgomery
- Human Rights Abuses Committed by the Guggenheim and Louvre Museums on Saadiyat Island by Kara Hendrickson
- Audio Description; Say What You See by Elizabeth Anh Thomson
- A Very Brave and Courageous Thing: Museums and the Power to Reshape Historic Narratives of People of Color by Jackie Peterson
- Book Review — Anarchist’s Guide to Historic House Museums by Elizabeth Lalley
- #FERGUSON_SEA: A 10 Day Study in Social Media and Responsive Programming by Leilani Lewis and Chieko Phillips
- De museos, identidades, jóvenes y desplazamientos en el Trópico de Capricornio by Jorge Arturo Albuja Tutivén
- Promises to My Future Self by Courtney Sass
- About the Contributors
- Call for Submissions (Fwd:Museums Issue 2)